
What the world’s leading audiophile,

music and specialist hi-fi titles

are saying about

Vivid Audio loudspeakers


Vivid Moya M1: everything, all the time

August 2024 – Reviewed by Jason Kennede

“I had a real ball with these speakers and played hours and hours of great music through them, finding detail in many that had never been hinted at before thanks to the phenomenal low level resolution and absence of colouration.”

Read the review.

Vivid Giya G3 series 2

March 2024 – Reviewed by Michael Lavorgna

“When hifi offers this kind of transformative experience, turning listening into endlessly energized experience, I can only offer my highest recommendation.”

Read the review.


Vivid Audio Kaya 45

July 2023 – Reviewed by Michael Lavorgna

“I recommend the Vivid Kaya K45 to anyone looking to get as close to music as their time and attention allows with essentially no interference from the associated speaker.”

Read the review.

Vivid Audio Giya G3 series 2

2023 – Reviewed by Bill Wells

For me, it’s all about the realism of how music sounds and how your audio system can take you to musical nirvana. With the Giya 3 Series 2 speakers in place, I have found that place as often as I chose to listen to my system: quite an accomplishment, and congratulations to the folks at Vivid Audio for producing such an outstanding loudspeaker.

Read the review.

Vivid Audio Kaya 90

2023 – Reviewed by Bill Wells

… the Kaya 90 speakers perform in a way that brings life to recorded music and provides delightful long-term listening. I believe this is what it’s all about, and the Vivid Audio Kaya 90 speakers are all about providing high-quality musical pleasure and satisfaction.

Read the review.


Vivid Giya G1 Spirit

October 2022 – Reviewed by Jason Kennedy

In Hifi+ magazine Jason Kennedy praises our Giya G1 Spirit for being a loudspeaker for music lovers.

Read the review.

A radical reworking of how a loudspeaker is designed and built

July 2022 – Reviewed by Jason Kennedy

I have liked every Vivid loudspeaker that has graced my system but the G1 Spirit is clearly in another league to those and most loudspeakers around.

Read the review (PDF).

The incredible transparency of the Giya G1 Spirit

May 2022 – Reviewed by Jeff Fritz

Soundstage! Ultra’s Jeff Fritz used the Giya G1 Spirit to review electronic equipment. Since then they’re part of his reference system.
“it’s the music lover who ultimately wins when listening to Vivid’s G1 Spirits.”

Read the review.

Simply Astounding

May 2022 – Reviewed by Tom L.

Tom L. of AV Nirvana thinks our Kaya S12 “… just may be the speaker you have been lusting after without even knowing it… Recommended without reservation.

Read the review.

Vivid Audio Kaya S12 in Stereophile

Mar 2022 – Reviewed by Herb Reichert

Herb Reichert relived music over and over while reviewing our Kaya S12.
Their defining trait is the beauty and intricacy of their projected soundspace … An absolute must-audition.

Read the review.

Vivid Audio Kaya S12 review

Jan 2022 – Reviewed by Binh Phan Duc

The KAYA S12 keeps impressing reviewers around the globe.
This takes the ‘loudspeaker for small rooms’ concept and takes it to new heights.

Read the review.


Giya S2 impressed Thierry Nkaoua

Dec 2021 – Reviewed by Thierry Nkaoua

The editors of French Audiophile Magazine have reviewed several of our models over time. This time it was up to our Giya G2 s2 to convince Thierry Nkaoua.

Read the review in English or French.

Kaya S12 reviewed in Ljud & Bild, Sweden

Nov 2021 – Reviewed by Geir Gråbein Nordby

When the music appears as effortless and resolved – and neutral – as with the Vivid Audio Kaya S12, it is the music that determines the sound. Not the speaker … The dynamics, the resolution, the honesty. Everything is on a higher level”

Read the review here (in Swedish).

S12 reviewed in Audiophile Magazine Nº 7 2021

Oct 2021 – Reviewed by Joël Chevassus

… a big crush, yes, totally unconditional for an extraordinary achievement.

What is not to love about that?

Read the review starting at page 9 (in French)

Dreams are never lost,
they only transform

Jul 2021 – Reviewed by Leonel Garcia Marques

Our Kaya S12 is considered one of the best monitors by reviewer Leonel Garcia Marques of the Portuguese magazine “Audio Cinema em Casa”.

We’re proud.

Download the review (PDF in Portuguese)

Kaya S12 hardware review in The Ear

April 2021 – Reviewed by Jason Kennedy

… easily the best compact floorstander I’ve heard in ages and competes with the best speakers at its price regardless of size.

Read the review

Audiophile-Magazine & K90

April 2021 – reviewed by Joël Chevassus

‘La Kaya 90 distille inlassablement le plaisir d’une écoute franche, vivante, douce avec une scène sonore tridimensionnelle, quel que soit le style de musique concerné. C’est là leur grande vertu.’

The review starts on page 16 (in French)

Stereo+ & Kaya 45

February 2021 – reviewed by Roy Ervin Solstad

‘South African Vivid Kaya 45 has a look like no other speaker I know of, but it was the sound that really made me gasp’.

Read the Norwegian review or read the translation (PDF)

Kaya 45 on Enjoy the

February 2021 – Dwayne Carter

To my ear, the Vivid Audio Kaya 45’s produced studio accurate reproductions of these performances. There was a smooth transition, from the tweeter driver to the mid-range driver, and back. My ears heard a nice flat, transparent reproductions, track after track.

Read the review

Audio Drom & Giya G1 Spirit

February 2021 – Audio Drom

In January 2020 our Giya G3 S2 was very well received by Audio Drom from the Czech Republic. The G1 Spirit reviewed this time however could be ‘… the proverbial final destination.’

Read the review

HVT – Barbamama x Hulk.

Jan 2021 – Reviewed by Ernst Neve

“Dutch magazine HVT reviewed KAYA S12 and they were wowed. Editor Ernst Neve had never heard such an impressive sound for the buck…”

Download the review (PDF in Dutch)


Techweek & KAYA S12

Nov 2020 – Reviewed by Ken Davidson

“There is simply a stage in front of you with musicians. An almost perfect illusion, with a fabulous speed, detail, reality and neutrality. The rendering of the middle area is very nice.”

Read the review

Kaya 90 review on dagogo

October 2020 – Ed Momkus

Spoiler alert! ‘Unreservedly recommended, even if you have a lot more money to spend.‘ The reasons why are well explained by Ed Monkus.

Read the review

Giya G2 S2 in Hi-Fi Voice

July 2020 –Daniel Březina

Our Giya G2 has been reviewed in the Czech audio magazine Hi-Fi Voice. “Vivid Audio produces truly state-of-the-art speakers and the Giya G2 S2 has our highest recognition – this is the sound of the first league.” (in Czech)

Read the review

Giya G2 series 2 review

July 2020 – Reviewed by Doug Schneider

SoundStage! editor Doug Schneider concluded his review of the original version with this: “The Giya G2 is not only the best loudspeaker I’ve ever reviewed, it’s the best loudspeaker I’v ever heard.” Today, he still says the same thing – this time, about the Giya series 2.

Read the review

Kaya 45 praised by Home Theater High Fidelity

June 2020 – Reviewed by Jim Clements

“I found the Vivid Audio Kaya 45 speakers to be the most transparent and musical speakers I have reviewed in my more than 10 years of professional reviewing experience.”


Ljud & Bild from Sweden rated our Kaya 90 with 6 (out of 6) stars

January 2020 – Reviewed by Geir Gråbein Nordby

“Highly recommended” is the conclusion of Geir Gråbein Nordby, who reviewed the Kaya 90 loudspeaker for Ljud & Bild.


They’re drop-dead gorgeous

March – April 2020 – Reviewed by Angus Bradley

“You’re hearing the lack of distortion for which Vivid Audio’s unique hand-made drivers are justifiably famous.”

Read the review (Audio Esoterica)

Read the review (Australian Hi-Fi)

Als een paal boven water

Feb 2022 – Reviewed by Ernst Neve

“… volume, dynamics and the bass. It makes you feel very humble. Truly overwhelming. Most impressive is the feeling I had I was listening to way more expensive loudspeakers.”

Read the review (in Dutch)

Audio Drom from The Czech Republic reviewed the Giya G3 S2

January 2020

“Whereas the looks of the G3 may be a subject of love-or-hate opinions, the way they sound won’t be – it is phenomenal.”


Kaya 45 loudspeaker in stereophile

January 2020 – Reviewed by Kalman Robinson

“They never failed to please, with any musical source at any reasonable listening level. (Perhaps they really are Shmoos!) The Kaya 45s are among a handful of speakers that I will miss after they are gone. You should not miss auditioning them.” It is part of a conclusion, but we like it.”



Vivid Audio Kaya 90 reviewed

November 20 2019 – Reviewed by José Victor Henriques

“Our Kaya 90 reviewed in Portuguese. One quote that summarises the overall tone and praise”

“Callas gave me goosebumps.”


Vivid Audio Kaya 90 floorstanding speaker reviewed

June 2019 – Reviewed by Brian Kahn

“Kudos to Mr. Dickie, as his latest line of speakers is an unqualified success. I’ve been doing high-end audio reviews for the last 20 years, and the Vivid Audio Kaya 90 is one of the most impressive products I have had the pleasure of reviewing. I will be very sad to see this pair go.”


Vivid Audio Kaya 45 – The whole, musical truth.

March 2019 – Reviewed by Deon Schoeman

“Vivid Audio has a reputation for fearless innovation, both technically and aesthetically, linked to beguilingly honest musicality. […] the Kaya 45 is musically compelling – and that is what sets great loudspeakers apart from merely good ones.”


Vivid Audio Kaya 45 loudspeakers

February 2019 – Reviewed by Jason Thorpe

“[And] that clarity, that lack of any distortion, allowed me — begged me — to raise the volume higher than I’m usually comfortable with. Which brought me even closer to the music.”



High-End Loudspeaker of the Year 2018

December 2018

“In our test, the reviewer praised the Kaya 45 for its refnement, musicality, fuidity, detail, and surprisingly deep bass for a loudspeaker of its stature.”


Vivid Audio Kaya 90 reveiw in hi-fi news

September 2018 – Reviewed by Keith Howard & David Price

“(…) beautifully engineered and possessed of a wonderfully open and engaging sound, it’s hard not to like the [new] Kaya 90.”


Vivid Audio Giya G1 Spirit X hi-fi news

Februari 2018 – Reviewed by Keith Howard

“It is surely one of the greatest speakers currently on sale, at any price.”



Vivid Audio B1 Decade @ AVSA

June 2017 – Reviewed by Deon Schoeman

“(But) for me the B1 Decade is arguably the most complete, the best balanced, the overall most beguiling and compelling speaker Vivid Audio has produced to date.”



Vivid Audio Giya G4 in Music Emotion

January 2015 – Reviewed by Max Delissen

“An amazing loudspeaker proving that thinking outside the box leads to better results.”